Monday, October 21, 2019

I have put much thought into this topic over the last few weeks

I have put much thought into this topic over the last few weeks, and I think I am really able to speak from my heart about it. When I first thought about it, I was picturing the issues as things like affirmative action, abortion, or same sex marriages. After a lot of thinking though, I decided that these just werent the sorts of things that I would be willing to put my life on the line for. The reason for this is that although important to many, they really dont affect me to the point of me risking my life to change how they work. It may sound a bit selfish, but in order for MY life to be risked, the issue would have to affect me personally, and deeply enough to change my entire being and way of life. I just feel that some things, although important to some, are better handled by those that are affected by them that deeply. Now this is just my personal view on it, although many prominent people thought otherwise, such as Martin Luther King Jr. In his Letter from a !Birmingham Jail he spoke of the fact that we should stand up against any unjust law, whether it affects you or not . Due to the fact that issues like this werent important enough to me for risking my life, I decided it was best to think on the larger scale. It was from this that I decided what I would put my life on the line for.I feel that the Bill or Rights is the most important single document in the structure and operation of our country. It gives us many rights not available in other places of the world, and it sets us apart from everyone else as the fairest, most open minded country in the world. This is why I have decided that any movement that is working to try and take away any of the rights on the Bill of Rights is worth putting my life on the line for, because it would compromise my entire way of life. Now, for purposes of keeping the length of this paper down, I have decided to focus my attention to the...

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